Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix

So I am a little behind the rest of the world...this is my first time reading through the Harry Potter series and finally experiencing the story "first hand".   Before starting this book I must admit I had low expectations mostly caused by those who had read it already.  All I heard about was how whiny Harry was and how dark the books were starting to get.  While I must admit that he was different in this book than in books past, but can you honestly blame him?! He had just witnessed a classmate murdered, his enemy return full force, he was pretty much exiled and didn't hear from those whom he loved.  He just waited in anticipation for something bad to happen and when it does he faces being expelled.  He goes back to Hogwarts to find out that NOBODY believes him, Professor Dumbledore won't acknowledge that he exists and now has to face the crazy Professor Umbridge.  I'm surprised Harry wasn't more whiny! If I were him, I'd be angry too!
As far as the book goes, it wasn't my favorite.  However, J.K. Rowling did an excellent job creating such a hatable character.  I couldn't wait to see what would happen to Professor Umbridge.  I was slightly disappointed in the lack of detail of what REALLY happened.  And sort of hoped that Professor Dumbledore would finally get the chance to tell her off.  I'm sure we will meet up with her again {shhhh....don't spoil it for me!}  And so I continue on my Harry Potter adventure and will next be reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

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